Certified Arborist on Tree Service

a cartoon illustration of a tree and leaves on a white background .

SoCal Tree Care Services



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Forget All The Hassle, We Got Your Back!

Reliable Tree Service

Every tree has the potential to be either an asset or a liability. If you have a dead tree on your property, and it is not removed, it can lead to a variety of issues, to you, your neighbors or other people. When a risk assessment professional identifies a possible problem beyond repair – tree removal may be the solution.

a man is cutting a tree with a chainsaw .

Tree Cutting & Tree Removal

Trees may need to be removed for a variety of reasons, such as deterioration, storm damage, insect damage, or disease. While some people believe that removing a tree is as simple as taking a chainsaw, there is more to it than that.

It is a technique in which it consists of removing or cutting from the base all those trees that are unwanted or that can generate danger in the city, this through various factors such as the volume and size of the tree, which can fall or whether said tree generates any danger to the safety of people.

But for this it is necessary to have trained personnel and with the necessary tools in order to generate this task efficiently.

a person is cutting a tree branch with a pair of scissors .

Palm trees require maintenance on a regular basis in order to be healthy and maintain their classic appearance. Seed sacks and dead palm fronds must be removed because their weight causes these portions to fall off and inflict harm or injury to everything in their path. 

While scaling and trimming palm trees is not easy, we have more than 25+ years of experience in making palm trees look great while removing dead fronds. We are licensed and insured for your peace of mind. 

looking up at a tree with lots of branches and leaves against a blue sky .

Tree Care Services

SoCal Tree Care Inc offers a wide variety of commercial & residential tree services based on the knowledge of our local arborists, who understand the regional climates and challenges.

We are experts in the care, maintenance and cleaning of trees, both public and private green areas such as cleaning during the monsoon season, planting and relocating trees among other services. 

a chainsaw is sitting on top of a tree stump .

Tree Pruning

When talking about pruning, the first thing that comes to mind is to cut all those dead branches that a tree has, causing a wound, and therefore it is necessary that this activity is carried out in an aesthetic way, with trained personnel who know the better techniques, according to the needs of the tree and in this way obtain more attractive trees with a strong structure, avoiding damaging the growing plant tissue.

a man is cutting a palm tree with a pair of scissors .

Types Of Tree Pruning

When talking about pruning, the first thing that comes to mind is to cut all those dead branches that a tree has, causing a wound, and therefore it is necessary that this activity is carried out in an aesthetic way, with trained personnel who know the better techniques, according to the needs of the tree and in this way obtain more attractive trees with a strong structure, avoiding damaging the growing plant tissue.

  • Cleaning or Maintenance Pruning
    This type of pruning is one of the most common and is where all those dead branches or excess branches of a tree or branches that are growing to a different side are removed.

  • Safety Pruning
    This type of pruning consists of cutting all those branches that can create danger for people, this is because they rub against electrical or telephone cables or because they are close to houses or because of their large size and volume.

  • Seasonal Pruning
    It is the pruning that is done to the trees depending on the season in which this is found in order to increase the level of healing of the trees, this is because depending on the type of tree, the pruning season may vary.

For this reason, we offer different types of pruning for the entire variety of trees such as fruit trees, palms, deciduous trees, among others.

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